





“Nothing happens until something moves.” ~ Albert Einstein

Movement is fundamental to all progress. It can also bring great joy. My pursuit of both progress and joy has led me to a life of studying, creating, and teaching about movement.

As a child it began with dance, which eventually led to the Department of Dance at the Ohio State University. There I began incorporating Pilates and many other practices into my movement repertoire. Later, while living in NYC, a recurring injury led me to the logical and simple work called Yamuna® Body Sustainability. Practicing Yamuna®, Pilates, and other self-care techniques began changing the way I moved, eliminating the original cause of the pain. I was gaining the tools to sustain a pain-free life.

This lesson was empowering and profound. I want to empower you, too!

To be moved, move. Nothing will happen until you do.

~ Renie

Renie is a movement educator and artist that empowers people to heal their own pain and restore their joy in movement. She received her BFA in modern dance from the Ohio State University and completed her YBR® certification in New York City at the Yamuna Flagship Studio. She was recently chosen by Yamuna Zake to become a Yamuna Teacher Trainer, helping to launch the revamped Yamuna Foundations Training worldwide. Also a dance and Pilates instructor, Renie has been teaching movement for over 15 years in New York City, Houston, Columbus, and Costa Rica.