If you’re STUCK with a pain in your neck, chances are that it BLOCKS your path to ease and energy. How do you think the *the tech neck effect* influences other factors in your life?

Join me to FIND YOUR FREEDOM. Learn my 5 Steps to Ease and Energy by freeing ALL the areas that lead to tech neck: your neck, chest, ribs, spine, and shoulders. This knowledge will serve you forever, setting you up to age sustainably and thrive in every decade of your life. My simple, body logical, and eye-opening method will empower you to refine your focus, restore your flow, and find your freedom – in your body and in your life.

This course has been closed since 2021, but you stopped by at the right time, because I’m getting gready to reprise it! Sign up below to find out as soon as it’s on the calendar.

Join my free online community Body Restore and Sustain to stay up to date on classes and offerings.

We will use the black and pearl Yamuna balls in this workshop.
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*Shipping available worldwide.